Monday, October 4, 2010

Spring Term in Full Swing

No need to solicite students for this term! Courses are full in Ngakawau, Murchison and Westport. Word of mouth has been the best Marketing tool for us in the Buller. Building relationships with community groups and organisations such as Buller Adult Learning Services, Homebuilders West Coast, and English Second Language Group has been a great asset for the program as well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

NCCG Meeting in Ahipara

This quarterly NCCG meeting was held by the Far North CIH in Ahipara. A great team building bus trip to Cape Reinga was followed by a productive meeting with all the coordinators. Big thanks to Janine, Louis, Emma and Brett for hosting the team.

Above: NCCG team gather at Cape Reinga

Above: West Coast Coordinator, Cheryl Jackson at the meeting

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Buller Computers in Homes in the Media

Buller Computers in Homes appeared in the Westport News this week. As well an article about the Murchison program appeared in the Nelson Leader.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

First CiH graduations in Buller

The first Computers in Homes graduations were held for Westport, Ngakawau and Murchison this week.

In all there were 22 graduates from Westport, 7 from Ngakawau and 12 from Murchison. Prizes were given to the most outstanding student from each location:
- Wesport: Janice D. Lance
- Ngakawau: Gilbert Hardaker
- Murchison: Nicole Wilkins

Prizes were also given to the student who submitted the most outstanding story:
- Westport: Charmaine Weaver, Honorable mention - Kay Taylor
- Murchison: Sarah Flintoft

A prize was also given to Harley for volunteering with the larger Westport group.

National Coordinator Di Das attended the graduations from Wellington. Special guest Damien O'Connor also attended the Murchison graduation.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Buller Computers in Homes take 2

New courses are starting in Westport, Ngakwau and Murchison this week.

Course schedules are as follows:
- Westport: Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00 and 12:30 to 2:30
- Murchison: Wednesday 10:30 to 12:30 and 3:00 to 5:00
- Ngakawau: Thursday 12:30 to 2:30 and 6:30 to 8:30

Although the courses are very popular there are still a few spots left, prospective students should contact Jeannie for details.

Friday, May 28, 2010

NCCG Meeting in Wellington

The Computers in Homes team from around New Zealand met up again this week in Wellington. The itinerary included meetings, professtional development, and a drive out to Poirirua to hear an address from Hon. Bill English. Exciting news from Computers in Homes this week was an allocation of funds in the latest government budget! The team was very excited to hear the news as this is the 10 year anniversary of CiH.
Photos above: CiH and Stepping UP group with National Party MPs Bill English and Heikia Parata.

Photo Below: Jeannie and Cheryl with National Party's Kelvin Davis in Wellington.

Monday, May 24, 2010

New Courses starting in June

Spread the word! The next Buller Computers in Homes will be starting the week of June 8th.

Course times will be as follows:

- Westport: Tuesday 12:30 to 2:30 and 7:00 to 9:00pm
- Murchison: Wednesday 10:30 to 12:30 and 3:00 to 5:00pm
- Ngakawau: Thursday 12:30 to 2:30 and 6:30 to 8:30pm

We are currently seeking enrolments in the Westport and Ngakawau courses. The courses in Ngakawau are full, but students can reserve a spot for September courses.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Graduation details

The Westport and Ngakawau graduation will take place on July 27th at the Salvation Army Hall.

The Murchison graduation will be at the Mesy Hall on July 28th.

Students are asked to RSVP to 0800 927 327 before July 20th.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

16 Computers find good homes in Westport

Christmas in May! Smiles were ear to ear as students laid eyes on their new computers.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ngakawau students take home computers

Excited students get to take home their computers after 5 weeks of courses. After a practice run of plugging everything together, they were very keen to get them home and test out what they've learned.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Delivery of Student PCs

We received a delivery of 40 PCs from The Ark this week. Each one needs to be tried and tested before the students get to take them home. We are really lucky to be some of the first Computers in Homes students to receive LCD (flat) screens!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Westport courses get started

We are pleased to be starting our CiH course in Westport at the Salvation Army Hall this week. There are 10 pod PCs connected with 3 spaces for laptop users. Class is scheduled from 12:30 to 2:30 in the day and 7:00 to 9:00pm in the evening. Our day class is almost full, however we are still looking for more night students. If you are interested please contact our tutor, Jeannie at 021 0228 5539 or our coordinator Cheryl at 0800 927 327.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Trainer attends National Computers in Homes meeting

On Wednesday, March 3rd, Cheryl and I flew to Hawkes Bay and drove to Wairoa to meet up with the CiH colleagues from across New Zealand. We got to attend the launch of the new Wairoa CIH Community Training Centre, which was very exciting for the local gang. On Friday was the more formal CIH team meeting. This was an excellent opportunity for me to meet with the CIH support network and learn how other programs are running. It was an exciting week, and I am looking forward to using the things I learned in my program in Buller.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Murchison and Ngakawau courses running smooth

Thanks to the wonderful concept of 'word of mouth' on the coast our courses in Ngakawau and Murchison have filled up with a bunch of keen learners. Each one is looking for their own pathway to learning how to use computers. One of the best parts of computers in homes (besides taking home your own computer eventually), is that courses are kept to basics and students learn what they want to learn. We started with turning the device on and off and then play some games. If learners are keen we do a bit of word processing and they create a poster with what they have learned. Next steps are learning how to keep your computer healthy, how to surf the web, and internet safety.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Classrooms? - Check!

Our Pod in Murchison all set up and waiting for the first Computers in Homes Students!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Launch in Buller and Visit from the National Committee

After much preparation through December and January, we have 3 classrooms running and ready to launch. National Coordinator, Di Das and WestReap ACE Coordinator, Cheryl Jackson, came to launch the program with ICT trainer, Jeannie Bryson, from February 10-12th. Murchison courses will be run out of the local Plunket rooms, with 6 computers and space for a couple of laptops. Northern Buller courses will be running out of the brand new Community Centre in Ngakawau, with 4 computers. The third and final class room has been set up in Westport Salvation Army above the community hall, with 10 computers and space for 5 laptop users. The community has embraced the program and we are excited to get going at the end of February.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Getting Started!

We are currently getting desks and broadband connections set up in Ngakawau and Murchison. We have yet to secure a location in Westport, but hope to have some news on this soon.

Our community launch should be during the first week of February. Please check back soon for more information.