Thursday, July 28, 2011

Graduations Round 3

Buller graduations were held on July 26th. Students from the session which ended in May were invited back to celebrate their accomplishments. Although Stepping Uppers do not normally get to attend a graduation party, we decided to include them in our CIH celebrations, and hand out Stepping Up Certificates as well.

Murchison graduations were held at lunch on Tuesday. All but one of the 15 students was in attendance to receive their certificates. The Murchison CIH Most Outstanding Student award was given to Kelly Hocking, who was very dedicated to the course and was always willing to help her peers around her.

The Westport and Ngakawau graduations were combined for an evening event at the Salvation Army Hall. This term Ngakawau had 5 CiH graduates and 6 Stepping UPers, while Westport graduated 9 CiH and 11 Stepping UPers. Since it was the school holidays we had many families in attendance. Our Most outstanding student was Kim Aldridge, from the Westport course, who was very shy to start the course but was very keen to complete it. And in Ngakawau it was Sonia Allen, who it always keen to learn the new technology and her excitement was great to see.

Everyone enjoyed the nibbles and the yummy cake!

Congratulations to the Graduates!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Flexi Computing for Hokitika

Westreap's Adult Community Education Coordinator, Cheryl Jackson, is happy to announce that they have paired up with the Tai Poutini Polytech to offer Flexi Computing courses from the Hokitika computer pod. This course is being offered to replace the Computers in Homes courses that will no longer be offered in Hokitika or Greymouth, as the project scales down to 50 students coast wide for each the next 2 years.

Flexi computing is, well just that, its up to the students to decide what direction the course will take, whether it be learning the basics, or building on knowledge students already possess.

The Monday morning course has proven so popular that a second course will also be offered later in the week.

Anyone interested should contact Cheryl Jackson, in Hokitika on 0800 927 327.